Let’s have a chat about money

Let’s have an honest conversation about money.

“I can’t afford it” is a phrase we’ve all heard. And I get it. I really do.

Money talk is tough. Investing in yourself can feel scary. And “I can’t afford it” often feels like the safest answer.

But here’s something I’ve learned over years of working with coaches and entrepreneurs:

“I can’t afford it” is often just another way of saying “I’m afraid.”

  • Afraid it won’t work. 
  • Afraid it’s not worth it. 
  • Afraid of taking a risk.

So I want to invite you to do a quick exercise with me:

Take a moment and calculate how much money you’re making in your coaching business right now. (No judgment. I started out with one client my entire first year.)

Now, imagine where you’d like to be in 6 months. What’s that number?

The difference between those two numbers? That’s the potential cost of not taking action.

Let me break it down:

If you’re making $2,000 a month now, but you know your skills and passion are worth $8,000 a month, that’s a $6,000 monthly difference.

Over 6 months, that’s $36,000 left on the table.

Now, Holistic Business Foundations doesn’t cost anywhere near that. Not even close.

So the real question isn’t “Can I afford to invest in this program? It’s “Can I afford not to?”

Building a successful business isn’t just about making money. It’s about:

  • Creating a life where you’re excited to start work each day
  • Having the freedom to take a Tuesday off without asking anyone’s permission
  • Making a real, tangible impact on people’s lives

Can you really put a price tag on that?

Now, I’m not saying you should throw financial caution to the wind. That’s not what this is about.

What I am saying is this: Sometimes, the most expensive choice is doing nothing.

Every day you wait is a day you’re not serving the clients who desperately need your help.

Every month you hesitate is a month you’re not building the business of your dreams.

Every year you put it off is a year you can’t get back.

So if you’re tired of playing small…

If you’re ready to invest in yourself and your dreams…

If you want to look back a year from now and say “That was the best decision I ever made”…

Click here to learn about Holistic Business Foundations Now.

See you inside.



P.S. Still feeling uncertain about the investment? I get it. That’s why I offer a results guarantee. If you show up, do the work, and don’t see results, you get an extra 6 months of support on me. Because I’m not just interested in your investment – I’m invested in your success. Want to learn more? Let’s chat.

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