Perfectionism breeds procrastination. It's time to let that **** go!

It’s time to let that ***** go!

Hey Sweet Friend,

Who doesn’t want to do that new thing in the New Year.

Go for a run, loose those last 10 pounds, get in shape, eat better, spend more quality time with your family and less screen time, clear the clutter, take better care of yourself or just do that big thing that’s been on your list that feels a bit impossible. 

Yep, I totally get it. We all have ways in which we want to improve and move forward into 2018. 

And you are meant to do those things that are tugging at your heart.

But here’s the thing. “If nothing changes, Nothing Changes” 

It’s time to make a choice to do things differently, but I’m not talking 100% differently. That’s perfectionism. And that’s where you’ll be stopped dead in your tracks.

“Perfectionism is self abuse of the highest order. Perfectionism feeds procrastination.”

​Let me explain. Perfectionism is all lies. She tells you that if you’d just get it perfect enough, do it right enough, be good enough —- that you’ll finally have the body, life, career, family (fill in the blank) that you desire.

But the truth of it is? The finish line changes with perfectionism. “Perfect” never arrives. EVER!

It will wear you out, and wear you down until you are poisoned and paralyzed because perfect isn’t attainable. 

Perfectionism​ births the procrastinator.

But the procrastinator is actually a protector. A way to protect you from the relentless demands of the perfectionist. That part of you that doesn’t want to fail again. Doesn’t want to tackle another project and then not follow through, doesn’t want to buy that gym membership and use it for a few weeks and then never go again. Her job actually has a positive intention for you. To keep you safe. To keep you from feeling like a failure. 

But what if you could do things differently my friend. 

What if instead of the perfectionist mentality, you could give yourself some GRACE and shoot for a 1% change instead of a 100% change? What might open up for you then?

​Here’s the secret: Small changes swing big doors! 

Yep, we can throw that perfectionism right out the window and actually accomplish more of what makes our heart sing if we focus on making small changes consistently, instead of those big overhauls that turn your life upside down and inside out. 

You see, we can all do something for a short period of time. We can go on a deprivation diet and loose bit of weight, or take on a new huge challenge, but if the habit or the change doesn’t stick, we fall off track, gain the weight back (and more), stop the workout program and go back to the same old same old because it all feels like TOO MUCH. 

Sound familiar?

When we let go of PERFECT, procrastination doesn’t have anything to protect you from. You can easily go on with your day in a way that doesn’t trigger the protector and do so in ways that fit into your life that actually create a shift in your thinking, and your habits. 

It’s true my friend! And you can do it too. I know because I have been there and walked the walk and would love to show you how to experience the same freedom. 

It’s the main reason why I went back to school to get my Holistic Health Coaching Certification and why I am now enrolled in the Grad Intensive Program to get my Holistic MBA. 

You see, I saw in my work as a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, that I can tell people all day long what to eat and what to do to create optimal health, but unless these habits actually stick, nothing changes for good. People end up defaulting and getting more of what they don’t want. 

So what works instead? The right system of making small changes in the right order, the right support  (someone who holds your highest potential as true), and the right accountability to help hold you to your vision of what it is that you want to accomplish. 

Creating that 1% change within the right system with support and accountability is what I have been doing for myself and my clients and it works. 

I work with women who struggle to stay on track with healthy eating and lifestyle habits.  I help them learn how to change the way they eat and respond to stress by changing the way they THINK about food and themselves so they can move forward in freedom and live their most confident, healthy life, everyday. Guilt Free!

Let me help you too! Let’s break out of the perfectionism, the procrastination and the diet mentality and move forward into your goals with a relaxed confidence that leaves you feeling energized, excited to start the day and empowered to make the changes you desire last. ​

It’s time to make a choice and make yourself a priority!

So many of us take care of others, but we put our own needs on the back burner and as a result we get tired and depleted with no energy left to do what we really love to do or be the relaxed confident vibrant person we really want to be.

Let me help you move beyond this tired depleted state, and reclaim your health and energy, mentally and physically, so you can do more of what makes your heart sing and accomplish what you want to accomplish to live your most enjoyable life.

I’ll guide you with a whole foods approach combined with holistic self care practices so you can create lasting habit changes that stick, in small manageable steps, and make healthy happen for you.

And we do this together, without a one size fits all diet dogma, crazy shakes or miracle supplements. We do this from a place of curiosity and compassion to see where you’re stuck, and uncover the habits and belief systems that keep you from being your healthiest you, and move forward so you can create your most enjoyable life in whatever goal you choose.


I help you get your spark back!

Download my free 6 Solutions to Get Your Spark Back below

6 Solutions To Get Your Spark Back 

 if you know anyone who wants to thrive and not just survive and slog through the day, please share this post.

Wishing you Joy and Vitality!





