Let’s create a self-care revolution


Sacred Self-Care Essentials

A 4 week Small Group Program For Women

who want to ditch overwhelm and move into the holidays with more peace, joy and fullness.

Take a step back. Assess what really matters. And reset your relationship with the things that make you feel good.

Because guess what? Prioritizing yourself isn’t going to ruin holidays. It won’t turn you into Scrooge. And it doesn’t make you selfish.


Starting Monday November 26- Monday December 17th, 6:30pm-8:00pm in Concord and Online.

Join the self-care revolution and nourish you as you move into the holidays with a FULL cup of cheer!

Space is limited to just 10 women, so grab your spot today.

Yes, I’m in! Sign me up please! 


When Was The Last Time You Had Time For You?

A day to focus on you, your big dreams, your health, your ideal lifestyle?

The biggest luxury in your life is time — and while I can’t give you more, I can give you a clearly defined container to step into, designed with ample support and transformative experiences. A time just for you, to soothe your soul and feel your shoulders relax, your breath steady, your mind downshift. A place to take off the mom, wife and worker hat and start tuning into what wants to be nourished in you. 

Self-Compassion, Healing, Rest, Tenderness, Kindness, Empathy, Nourishment

It’s time for a self care revolution. We have a collective wound to heal. It’s a wound made silent by our culture, the media, and our misinterpretations of success. We’ve been told that self care is a privilege, selfish, shameful, indulgent, inappropriate, expensive, luxurious, or otherwise lazy. We’ve convinced ourselves that we “have to” keep pushing until we are utterly exhausted, that we “should” keep moving through life at breakneck pace, or else we’ll fall behind, be forgotten, and never achieve our dreams. I practice, write about, and explore the value of self care for myself as much as anyone else because I too fall into this trap time and time again. And I know I am not alone. It’s not sustainable. It’s not healthy. It’s not the legacy we want to leave.

Let’s clear something up first: self care does not need to cost you a penny. Self care might look like an afternoon bubblebath or setting boundaries. Self care might be adding 30 minutes of sleep to your life. Self care might look like doing (gasp!) ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! On purpose! Can you imagine?

Maria Baratta, Ph.D. says, “self care is taking mindful time to pay attention to you, not in a narcissistic way, but in a way that ensures that you are being cared for by you.” And might I add, not waiting until all your to do’s are crossed off your list before you give yourself permission to do so.

Let me share this story with you from Clarissa Pinkola Estes:

There was a woman who took her dogs on an afternoon walk. One day an older dog joined the group, walked home with them, and jumped on her couch for a long nap. When the dog woke up, he simply existed through the doggie door. Returning again the next day, the woman pinned a note on the dog’s collar which read, “I wanted you to know that your dog is safely napping at my home each afternoon. He is kind and well-behaved. He is welcome anytime.” The next day the dog re-appeared with a new note which said, “Thank you so much. He is an old dog living in a loud home with small children. Can I come with him tomorrow?”

When I tell this story, everyone laughs. Not because it’s funny but because there is a collective understanding, a moment of release, in which everyone’s laughter says, “I get it. I’m tired too.” We are not alone in our need for self care. There’s a reason airlines tell you to place your oxygen mask on first before assisting another.

We cannot continue caring for others effectively, passionately, and wisely without first caring for ourselves.

Acts of self care will feel uncomfortable, scary, and counterintuitive at first. And that’s ok! Like a new muscle being stretched and strengthened, you are experimenting with a new way of being in the world – a new way of relating to your family dynamic, workplace, or circle of friends. Pay close attention to your inner dialogue. You may bump up against an inner voice that whispers, “any act of self care is selfish.” Remind yourself, you are just as worthy of love, care, attention, and affection as anyone else.

Starting a practice of self care does not mean putting yourself first while placing others at risk – that would be selfish. It does however mean being honest with your energy, time, health, and mental-emotional state. With that in mind, self care often looks like saying no to tasks, events, and obligations that are not in alignment with your longterm health and well-being. I appreciate the reminder:

“No” is a very, very complete sentence.

When you prioritize self care you make choices consciously rather than out of habit.

Choices made with your health, longevity, and happiness in mind will move you away from resentment, move you closer to love, and keep you interested and positively engaged in the relationships that compose your life.

I am passionate about self-care and want to invite you into the next Sacred Self-Care Essentials Program.

For 4 weeks, you will experience a chance to nourish your body, mind, heart and soul and learn the practices to set up new routines for the essentials of self-care. You will experience:

Group Deep Dive Coaching Sessions

Fellowship and connection with other amazing women

Getting back to the 5 essentials of Sacred Self-Care using my S.H.I.N.E approach

  • Sleep
  • Honoring your inner and outer boundaries 
  • Intentional quiet time
  • Nourishing foods
  • Exercise

(These are essentials that I return to over and over again to help me reset and refocus on taking care of me. They have worked for me, and I know they will work for you too.) 

A Private FB group

Weekly FB lives with Chris to build upon the previous session, clarify any questions and move you through any stuck places.


By the end of the 4 weeks you will walk away with a renewed sense of what self-care looks like for you.

New routines for morning and evenings to help you be present and productive, sleep better, give your racing mind a rest.

A better understanding of what fueling your body for energy and balanced emotions looks like.

Engaging in movement that you actually like to do and can stick with

A plan that is specific to you to keep up your self-care essentials in a way that fits in the context of your life, without putting your needs last.

Imagine the freedom, peace and confidence you will gain going into the Holidays with a FULL cup. 


Join me starting Monday November 26- Monday December 17th, 6:30-8:00 in Concord and Online.

Join the self-care revolution and nourish you!

Space is limited to just 10 women, so grab your spot today.

Yes, I’m in! Sign me up please! 


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