For impact driven, service-based women who are holistic transformational coaches and practitioners who want to grow a thriving, heart centered, multiple 6 figure business with more profit, ease, simplicity and soul.

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Holistic Business Abundance: For Women with a Vision for a Multi 6-Fig. Biz

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As a soulful business and leadership coach, I help you create clarity and start taking authentic purposeful action. I help you turn your fears into leadership, your vision into your secret sauce, and your self-doubt into empowered action.

You don’t need to do ALL THE THINGS. You DO need a simple heart-centered strategy that you can put on repeat. One that allows you to serve and cultivate community, connections and relationships that create impact and soulful exchanges without the cringy sales tactics. 

Most importantly, you get to turn your certifications into a vibrant business from a place of authenticity, love, integrity, and being fully nourished and sourced without trading your well-being, family or your values for success.  That's REAL freedom. 

So Sister, are you ready to: 
  • Establish yourself as the go-to coach or practitioner in your industry by leading the conversation, not just joining it.
  •  Attract your HEART-YES clients - and convert them into customers without coming across as salesy or cheesy.
  •  Hone in on your unique framework so you can speak from your heart with authenticity and authority.
  •  Increase sales CONSISTENTLY  by educating your audience about your signature process, and techniques that make you special and solves their problem. 
  •  Embrace your feminine leadership style so you can grow your business, make more money and share your gifts with the world with a vibrant heart-centered business that aligns with your values.

Then let's chat. Book a quick clarity call with me and together we will plan out your next best steps. This is a NO obligation, NO pressure call. It's simply my way to learn more about what your challenges are, what pieces you may be missing and what to do about it so you create momentum quickly. 

You TOO, can create abundance and financial freedom by helping people live happier, healthier lives and I’d love to show you how. 

Hi, I'm Chris!

I support heart-centered, impact-driven women turn their health, life or holistic wellness certifications into financial abundance that's in alignment with their values. Without the aggressive sales tactics, or the hustle-harder mentality that feels so depleting, so you never have to trade your time, well-being or integrity for success.

  That's Soulful Abundance


Way's to Work Together

A DONE-FOR-YOU, Re-brandable, 6-week wellness program + a Step-By-Step System to Run A Profitable Wellness Program in 12 Weeks or Less!

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Activate Abundance® Academy

A 12-Month Group PLUS 1:1 Business Accelerator to give you EVERYTHING you need to grow a 6 figure PLUS  profitable and sustainable business based on heart centered values

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Holistic Business Foundations

Launch WELL On-Demand

Customized 1:1 Coaching and Consulting

Email Accelerator

Branding with Archetypes BUNDLE

For a Customized Deep Dive to grow your Holistic Business to the next level of Mastery. 

Get on the waitlist to join the Email Accelerator and learn how to add 100-500 new IDEAL clients into your ecosystem

Go through the VIP day to learn what attracts clients to you by understanding your BRAND archetypes. Complete with Workshop, Cards, Quiz and the entire Branding With Archetypes Workbook.

A LIVE 6 month group program to set you up with the ESSENTIAL foundations you need to grow a thriving Holistic Business and bring on your first or next 5-10 clients

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Sign Up For The Soulful Abundance® Newsletter and Get Your Business Basics Checklist for CONSISTENT Clients and 10K-30K months for FREE. 

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Checklist For 10K Months