Are you wearing the badge of busy? •

Are you wearing the badge of busy?

Are you wearing the “badge of busy?”


Monday evening I had the privilege of teaching women wellness entrepreneurs how to add more WHITESPACE to their calendar so they can AMPLIFY their impact doing what they love by serving others and their family while adding abundance to their bank account. WITHOUT sacrificing themself in the process.


As women wellness entrepreneurs we wear many hats, and most of us are solopreneurs too. We not only work to build our practices, but we are devoted to serving our clients and still take care of our families. Yet rarely is there any fun or whitespace on the calendar that allows those creative ideas I like to call DIVINE DOWNLOADS.


Instead I hear my clients talk about how how they are feeling constantly confused, overwhelmed, tense, stressed and wanting more FREEDOM of their time while having consistent income.




When I first started building my practice, I rarely took breaks and thought that I had to work HARD in order to have a thriving practice. I would wake up and immediately check my email, hop on Facebook and my day was off and running full speed. Sometimes I didn’t even stop for meals. I just kept pushing through. By the end of the day I was cranky, tense and still didn’t feel like I got IT. ALL. DONE.


I remember one day talking to my coach, and she said Chris, you’re starting to show the signs of BURNOUT. It was getting harder and harder for me to be excited about working with my clients and I felt guilty when I took time off and when I was working, I felt guilty that I wasn’t spending more time with my family.


That’s when I decided to be a Time Bender. I began to research how to leverage my time and amplify the impact I wanted to make in the world, WHILE being fully sourced. Instead of working SO HARD, I decided to simplify and design a life I wanted to live FIRST. I gave myself permission to get clear about what I was a YES for and what conditions I most needed to thrive. I made some changes in my business model and added in MORE DOWNTIME and my business started to make a quantum leap.


Here’s what I did:

  • I created a list of my conditions to thrive and booked those on my calendar FIRST.

  • I invested in my own up level by working with a coach that taught me a system that made things simple.

  • I added some fun into my calendar each day, each week, each month, each quarter and something big each year.

  • I restructured my programs and clients so that I have the last week OFF of each month. I used this time to rest, catch up on my own personal growth, and tie up any loose ends.

  • Each quarter, I take a 3 day retreat ALONE to allow my body to reconnect to my source, spend time dreaming, creating, writing and filling my cup.

  • I made every Monday an admin day so that I had focused time to create content, plan and do any admin stuff that needed to be handled.

  • Every Friday is a 1/2 day to deal with finances.


I keep my business SIMPLE with a repeatable heart centered plan that allows me to have ONE ideal client I serve really well, ONE marketing system, ONE heart centered sales system, ONE signature framework, ONE message and ONE focus at any given time.


I am so glad I made these changes, because it has allowed me to lean into what I am most aligned with and design it in a way that works for what I want out of life.


I don’t make excuses. I follow through on what I commit to. I stopped comparing myself to other coaches and their practices, I surround myself with a community of other empowered feminine leaders and I go ALL IN and play til the end.


I choose each day to align to the BEST version of me that I can be and flow through the day with a rhythm that works, instead of a rigid schedule.




If you are ready to step into flow and rhythm and build a thriving wellness practice without hustling for clients, burning out, complicated tech and want a heart centered way to connect with your clients and cultivate community, I am inviting you to join me for my upcoming 9 day masterclass, GROW A THRIVING WELLNESS PRACTICE.


I’m teaching my signature Abundance Basics Blueprint for FREE.


I’d love to have you as my guest.


Just RSVP here>>>


