How to STOP spinning and step into abundance

✨Life is too short to spend time doing things that feel out of alignment with who you are as a wellness entrepreneur who really care about people.


????I see so many coaches and practitioners doing 1 of 2 things that leave them feeling defeated. ????
1) They are being taught to book “Discovery Sessions” to get a client. It feels inauthentic and salesy because it is. ????
The intention is to sell a client on you and your 90-day transformation program. So you hustle to book those sessions and then either they ghost you (because they know they are going to be sold to) or they tell you they can’t afford it, need to think about it, or just don’t have the time. UGHHH
???? It’s enough to make ANYONE wonder if they can really make it as a coach.
2) They throw spaghetti at the wall trying to see what sticks from the many tools in their toolbox that they learned to get their coaching certification.
???? They spin and are not sure what tool to focus on when. How to use it. And most importantly, what tool to use at the right time in their business.
???? So they try and get marginal results copying what they see other coaches doing who seem to have success. (But they still don’t know what, why, how or if they are focused on the right things at the right time)
✳️ Listen- it’s not your fault if you see yourself in these scenarios. A coaching school is to teach you how to coach. NOT BUILD A BUSINESS. There is a difference.
????????????????????????You can be the best health coach or life coach or nutritionist out there, but if you are not clear on how to attract your ideal client in a way the feels aligned and authentic to you- you won’t be in business very long. Or it will just stay and expensive hobby.
????????‍♀️ How do I know? I was just like you and did both those things above too. It what I was taught. I didn’t know anything different.
???????????? Until I learned a better way. A way to build relationships and SERVE my potential clients first. To give generously and create wins and value for my community that made working with me the natural next step.
???????????????? AND HALLELUJAH, NO DISCOVERY SESSIONS. No sales calls. No slimy sales tactics. No trying to sell, convince or persuade anyone to work with me. ????
????????????And my practice QUADRUPLED each year.
????????Now I’m teaching this to other heart centered wellness entrepreneurs. So they too can build a practice with a service first, authentic, organic (no paid ads) and low tech way to create impact for others and be well paid for sharing your services. ????????
????????????????✅✅Join me for the next FREE MASTERCLASS- 6 STEPS TO A 6-FIGURE HEART CENTERED PRACTICE. (No discovey sessions required) ????????????????????????????????
???????? It’s packed with Golden nuggets and action steps to help you create quick wins and breakthroughs to set you up for amazing success in 2021. You can even finish out 2020 with a bang using these SIMPLE steps.
See you on the inside sister. ????????‍♀️

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