Are you ready to have lucrative, client-attracting packages that spotlight your value and your unique way of working with clients so you can :
  • Attract and serve your clients better. 
  • Lean into your strengths instead of trying to emulate someone else. 
  • Capture your unique spirit, personality and passion in all of your marketing 
  • Authentically stand out from the crowd

Take the FREE Quiz

There’s a unique part of you that many business owners mistakenly believe they have to hold back.

When you uncover and claim  this unique factor, you'll unlock the powerful, instantly recognizable presence within you that’s a client-attraction magnet.

Here's what's possible when you capture your spirit, personality and passion.

Client's naturally recognize they need YOUR help.

You become in-demand instead of invisible.

You can stop undercharging and create premium offers that serve powerfully and claim your value

Transform YOU into an authentic brand you can instantly use to launch an existing or new direction in your business.

Confidently choose your website design and images, write attention- getting emails, sales copy and marketing material (even if you're not a writer!)

Identify your unique brilliance and use it as a powerful catalyst for focusing your gifts and talents on your most profitable actions

Make more income easier and more efficiently

But it's what makes YOU Special and it's what
ATTRACTS clients to you. 

Within you is a unique “Soul Code” called your Branding Archetype®.

You’re free to make decisions from a place of empowerment, not fear (the freeing quality of relief that you’ll feel will immediately open new opportunities for you)

You’ll discover what your 3 core client attractors are (and how to use them to make more money in your business or career

You understand what makes you tick when it comes to your unique brilliance (freeing you from negative self –judgment)

Once you discover what YOUR unique archetypes are, it will feel as if all the puzzle pieces of marketing your business easily fall into place:

Feel confident and ready to make new decisions about your business (or career) that will take your income to a new level

In our 4 hour group immersion, we’ll do a deep dive to uncover the SOUL OF YOUR BRAND, your Branding Archetypes and how you can use it to attract more "perfect for you" clients.

You'll leave feeling inspired and confident around the *Soul of your brand and how to use it to attract more clients and make more money in your wellness business. 

Investment $497.00 and includes recording, workbook and all beautiful archetype cards.

Get the On-Demand BUNDLE for only $197

join the next LIVE workshop today!

Or Join the NEXT LIVE Branding with Archetypes® Group VIP Day with Chris for only $497. The next class is October 24, 2024


Included in your program is a set of Branding with Archetypes® cards. These gorgeous, full color cards show you in vivid detail your unique client attractors along with words, images and your WOW factor. 

You’ll get impactful action steps, designed to help you immediately apply what you are discovering so you begin right away to see real change in your income.

You’ll learn all about your unique strengths and challenges and how to confidently use your voice in all your marketing and sales copy.

First you’ll discover YOUR Unique Branding Archetypes® by taking a printable assessment.

This VIP Branding with Archetypes® immersion is for you if you’re ready to confidently attract perfect for you clients in a way that feels authentic and aligned with YOU. 

Secure your spot TODAY, because marketing in a way that feel authentically you and knowing what attracts clients to you is going to help you make more, serve more people that need your help, and improve every aspect of your wellness business.

Investment $497.00 and includes workbook and all beautiful archetype cards.

So, are you ready? 

join today!