Everything You Need To Grow A Thriving Wellness Business

For Health Coaches and Wellness Practitioners ready for abundance...

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Imagine turning your passion for wellness into a profitable business so you can…

The Step-By-Step System To Create, Fill, And Run Your Own Profitable Wellness Program in 12 Weeks or Less!

AND help more people, change more lives, and serve on a higher-level.

Pay down debt

Take a vacation

Quit your ‘other’ job

Contribute to the financial security of your family

“In my first month working with Chris, I had my first $10k month. Within my first quarter, that’s 3 months, I brought in $27,000. That was more than my salary in my previous career.” -JF

“I’ve enrolled 2 new clients into my 1:1 health coaching program and I am turning my fear of technology into the desire to learn.”  -JV

“This has catapulted me into the next phase of my life!”   -MP

Struggling to figure out how to market yourself and fill your programs?

Tired of hustling for your next client, knowing you have so much value to give?

Unsure of how to design and launch a group wellness program to reach more people?

Overwhelmed by marketing, tech, and everything it takes to grow a business?

Tired of feeling like you are on your own and craving REAL support?

Are you...

Reach more people, have a bigger impact, and get paid MORE to do your work

Collaborate with doctors and health care providers to have referrals COME TO YOU

Have EVERYTHING done-for-you so you can simply show up and serve your clients

Create LASTING results for your clients with a PROVEN wellness system

Rinse and repeat a process that WORKS again and again… CONSISTENTLY!

Would you LOVE to:

This ‘business-in-a-box’ is proven to create results. Through our heart-centered approach, you’ll learn to fill your programs without tricks or gimmicks. Instead, you’ll learn to nurture potential clients and collaborate with doctors. Best of all, all the prep work has been done for you. 

If you are ready to create a thriving health and wellness business...

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Get clear on your ideal client, signature program, and message

Create referral partners with doctors and health practitioners

Save time with easily editable templates and tools

Learn to price and sell your group and 1:1 programs

Lead a community of people who want your support living a healthier life

Gain a simple and repeatable strategy to grow your practice

Receive a done-for-you 6-week program to help you support your clients and get results

LIVE Monthly Q and A calls for customized support 

LIVE Monthly Tech Calls to support you with any questions around setting up your email, creating and editing documents in Canva, taking payments and more...

Inside Launch Well, you’ll:

6 months of LIVE support

6 months of LIVE support in monthly Q and A calls and Live monthly Tech calls. (Value = $3,000)

Proven Step-By-Step System To Grow Your Wellness Business (Value = $2997)

You’ll learn exactly how to launch and fill your wellness practice in 12 step-by-step modules

Tried & True Program That Gets Clients Results (Value = $2997)
You don’t have to spend your valuable time creating a new program for your clients. It’s all done-for you! It’s been tested. And it’s tried and true to get results for clients in 6-weeks!

Templates, Templates, & More Templates! (Value = $2997)
Can you ever have too many templates? No! These time-saving fill-in-the-blank tools eliminate all the guesswork. You’ll get flyers, info cards, worksheets, and everything you need to launch, fill, and RUN your wellness program. Plus, it’s all fully re-brandable for you!

Roadmap For Successful Launches (Value = $997)
Never launched before? No sweat! You’re covered with exact timelines for planning your launch, instructions on how to set up and run events, how to generate leads, how to price your program and more!

The Complete Launch Tool-kit (Value = $1997)
A complete ‘swipe file’ tool-kit with all the marketing copy, pre- written emails to send to your clients, and materials for your launch.

6 Module Course (Value = $1000)
How to teach the 6 week wellness program for free

Video Vault (Value = $1897)
This video vault gives you full trainings on goal mapping, your 90 day profit plan, collaborating with doctors and practitioners, converting your Facebook Group, and more!

What do you have to gain?

Total Value = over $20,000

90- Day Done-For-You Content Plan (Value = $497)
You have a full 90-day content plan that guides you on what to post and when to take the guess work out of cultivating a community that converts.

Copywriting Mini-Course With our expert copywriter. (Value = $997)
Learn how to create your own content and sales copy that attracts more clients for you to serve. You’ll get simple frameworks you can use to write social posts, tips to make your writing more compelling, and additional templates to save you time.

Access to the Social Media Marketing that Converts course (Value = $497)

Special Bonus:  

Join TODAY and get these BONUSES!




one payment 

1 payment of $1,997


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payment plan

6 payments of $397


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DECEMBER BIRTHDAY Special- save $2,000

Total Value With Limited Time Bonuses

Hi, I’m Chris!

I have helped women just like you fulfill their dream of running a thriving wellness business. Unfortunately, most health coaches and wellness practitioners struggle to get their businesses off the ground. In fact, 90% of health coaches never reach 6-figures. What’s worse is that there are SO MANY people out there that need support living a healthier life.

That’s why I created Launch Well. It fills the gap between the people that need help and those of us longing to serve more clients. Doctors simply don’t have the time to give patients the attention they need to create LASTING results. So, we need more health coaches who know how to get out and SERVE MORE PEOPLE.

But it can be so gosh darn confusing! Most schools and certifications don’t teach us how to run or market our business.

My first year in business I served ONE client. ONE. It wasn’t anywhere close to the impact or income I wanted to create. I knew there had to be a BETTER WAY.

The Launch Well system is what took me from struggling to running a 6-figure health coaching business without burnout, hustle, or icky sales calls! It’s the system that has helped hundreds of my students fulfill their dreams of running a successful business, serving more people, and contributing to their family. 

Meet Your Expert Support...

“Chris has a way of holding you accountable and believing yourself that is inspiring and encouraging. She has helped me get out of my own way when I felt scared that I couldn’t do it and really be successful at coaching. Because of her support I have made several referral partnerships who use my services as a value added incentive to their clients. Just this week they asked me for 100 sessions to give to their clients. I feel clear, focused and have a strategy that feels authentic and aligned with how I want to serve my clients.” -NT

“I’m going through the Guidebook for each week for Launch Well and can I just say it is absolutely beautiful, easy to read and follow. Thank you for providing this incredible resource for us to use!”  -TK

“She really believes in everyone that she coaches. She lifts people up and is sincere and heart centered. It’s really important to know that Chris encourages clients to define success the way THEY want to define it and then she offers the support and accountability to get you there.”   -JV

Launch Well is a tried and true system for creating a THRIVING wellness business. With done-for-you curriculum, handouts, and marketing materials, it gives you everything you need. 

No more guesswork. No more ‘figuring it out’ alone. No more struggling.

The future of your wellness practice has never been more secure or simple.

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Go Farther, Faster With Launch Well

Fearful to Leader 
Self-doubt to Empowered Action
Exhausted to Energized!

Your Future is Waiting...

A peek inside Launch Well…

Get INSTANT ACCESS to all 12 modules inside your exclusive member’s portal!

Module 1: Clarity

Get crystal clear on your goals.
Set up your entire year, understand your ideal client and niche and clarify your marketing message. Build a strong foundation for everything to come!

Module 2: Deep Dive into Health

Learn how to set your clients up for success with a deep dive into health!
This is where you delve into the amazing six week holistic program I designed for you to use with all of your clients.
This is a done-for-you wellness program!

Module 3: Digestion

Learn how to teach your clients about their digestive system and get the tools to help them understand how their digestive system impacts their health.

Module 4: Blood Sugar + Stress

Get the keys to helping your clients balance their sugars and life stressors for optimum wellness.

Module 5: Healthy Fats + Quality Sleep

Everything you need to teach your clients the principles of eating healthy and getting enough sleep to repair and reset mind and body.

Module 6: Reintroduction + Rhythm

Discover creative ways to support your clients as they bring eliminated foods back into their lives and help them set their daily life goals.

Module 7: The Abundant Mindset + Going Forward

Unlock the tools to help your clients rewire their mind for positivity and to maintain good habits for life!.

Module 8: Launching Your Program

Now that you’ve experienced your NEW 6-week program first hand, it’s time to share it with clients. Learn the foundations to building your business and launching your program. No need to reinvent the wheel, personalize and promote the program you just learned!

Module 9: Creating a Nurture Event + Systems

Learn how to use Facebook groups to reach more people and enroll more clients at a time with nurture webinars everyone will want to attend. Put easy to use systems into place for repeated success with each launch. Take care of the warm leads and turn them into paid clients!

Week 10: Creating a 90 Day Nurture Plan + Collabs

Grow, grow, grow that book of business and fill it, organically. Get the exact plans with done-for-you forms ready to use for your clients. Learn how to begin leveraging your successes by collaborating with others to grow even faster!

Week 11: Selling Your Framework

Use these simple formulas to sell your program again and again and then take it to the next level: start to coach and sell your own framework as a program just like mine. You have a complete online business that makes money over and over again.

Week 12: Launch Time!

Get everything you need to know for a successful launch: done-for-you templates to prepare you to sell out your online group program and begin making that  income you dreamed of. Get ready to make more money without having to do extra work. Employ your entire business-in-a-box assets here!

Plus! You’ll get editable flyers, pre-written marketing tools, guidance, an entire community of support, and MORE!

Launch Well is Your Complete Roadmap To An Abundant Wellness Business!

“Before working with Chris, I was feeling like there was so much I wanted to do and so much information to assimilate that was keeping me in a “frozen” state. Working with Christine is giving me the opportunity to learn how to step back and see my goals as specific and measurable. I am finding it much easier to move out of overwhelm and into action.”  

           get instant access

Frequently Asked Questions

No! If you have been wanting to start a wellness or holistic business or are already working in a practice, these methods will bring you success.

I haven’t started my business yet or I’m in the early stages. Is this too advanced for me?

Absolutely. There is specific information teaching you how to take your business online. You can work either way you choose and we give you all the tools you need for both.


My methods have a proven track record with myself and past clients. If you are willing to put in a little bit of work, you’ll have everything you need to build a thriving business. Launch Well has a 100% past success rate!

I have tried hiring a coach in the past and it didn’t work, how is this different?

You can dedicate the time you need to this however you want and you have access to everything in the program for life and 12 weeks of live support. My recommendation is to put in the 2-3 hours per week now while you are ready and have the momentum to make the biggest changes. Ready to hit the ground running? You can finish faster, too.

Do I need to complete this program in 12 Weeks?

Ultimately, that’s up to you. You get to choose to use the tools and lessons you get inside of Launch Well. However, you will receive EVERYTHING you need to make back your investment (plus more!) Most students make back their investment after running their first group program or signing 1-2 private clients. Inside Launch Well, you’ll learn how to package and price your offer to bring more abundance into your life!

Will I make back my investment?

Ultimately, that’s up to you. You get to choose to use the tools and lessons you get inside of Launch Well. However, you will receive EVERYTHING you need to make back your investment (plus more!) Most students make back their investment after running their first group program or signing 1-2 private clients. Inside Launch Well, you’ll learn how to package and price your offer to bring more abundance into your life!

Is Launch Well right for me?

Proven Step-By-Step System To Grow Your Wellness Business (Value = $2997)
You’ll learn exactly how to launch and fill your wellness practice in 12 step-by-step modules

Tried & True Program That Gets Clients Results (Value = $2997)
You don’t have to spend your valuable time creating a new program for your clients. It’s all done-for you! It’s been tested. And it’s tried and true to get results for clients in 6-weeks!

Templates, Templates, & More Templates! (Value = $2997)
Can you ever have too many templates? No! These time-saving fill-in-the-blank tools eliminate all the guesswork. You’ll get flyers, info cards, worksheets, and everything you need to launch, fill, and RUN your wellness program. Plus, it’s all fully re-brandable for you!

Roadmap For Successful Launches (Value = $997)
Never launched before? No sweat! You’re covered with exact timelines for planning your launch, instructions on how to set up and run events, how to generate leads, how to price your program and more!

The Complete Launch Tool-kit (Value = $1997)
A complete ‘swipe file’ tool-kit with all the marketing copy, pre- written emails to send to your clients, and materials for your launch.

Video Vault (Value = $1897)
This video vault gives you full trainings on goal mapping, your 90 day profit plan, collaborating with doctors and practitioners, converting your Facebook Group, and more!

What do you have to gain?

Total Value = over $20,000

90- Day Done-For-You Content Plan (Value = $497)

You have a full 90-day content plan that guides you on what to post and when to take the guess work out of cultivating a community that converts.

Copywriting Mini-Course 
 (Value = $497)

Learn how to create your own content and sales copy that attracts more clients for you to serve. You’ll get simple frameworks you can use to write social posts, tips to make your writing more compelling, and additional templates to save you time.

Join TODAY and get these BONUSES!



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Total Value
With Bonuses

December Birthday Special SAVE $2,000